Sweat-fest and a Naked Run

I love Thursday’s!

I love the Thursday morning paper with my standard cup of joe and Kashi Go Lean cereal and some blog time… it just feels right.


Recycled pic, but you get the drift.


At about 9:30am I went the gym and did a workout courtesy of Blonde Ponytail! First of all, I LOVE her and her new little girl, Jada… but she also produces some of the best and hardest workouts. They are Crossfit inspired, meaning intense and short! But she is also a great runner and understands the “running” side of things as well! Basically she rocks.

Anyways, this morning I followed THIS workout of her’s and it was a true SWEAT-FEST. I finished the workout in child’s pose on the floor… gasping for air. I love when that happens!


**I used a 35# kb for the swings and goblet squats and a 20# dumbell for the overhead lunges.

I HIGHLY recommend doing this, or one of her other workouts, if you are looking for a nice burn!

I finished off my gym time with some hamstring work and some back squats @ 110#


I raced off, nice and sweaty to my grandparents house to say Hello, followed by my weekly appointment with my therapist (which is going great by the way…things are definitely coming out in the open that I need to deal with)

The rest of the day was spent shopping– I can’t make decisions and am very cheap so I didn’t buy a thing. Too bad, I am in desperate need of non-athletic clothes. For real.

The RUN.

I finished up the day with a Naked Run. And by naked run, I mean I had NO ipod, NO watch, and NO sunglasses. I was 100% vulnerable out there for all to see and notice. I felt very exposed… very naked. It was a 7 mile run and my legs were tired from the mornings workout, but it felt great to get my stride going. Two days off of running made me excited to get back out there!

20130821-045302.jpg(( I realized today, no matter how often we run a road or route… we are still always a Visitor. No run can be 100% predicted. The road owns the journey it paves through the town, city, woods, etc. We are Always just visitors on it. Respect the road… respect the run! ))

This weekend I will do a weekly workout recap for you guys!

The FYI.

As a heads up… year numero dos of my grad program starts MONDAY!!! I think it is safe to say that I may not be able to post every day like I have been doing for the last few months. So if you don’t hear from me one morning… don’t worry! I will most likely be back the following day with something extremely profound and groundbreaking– I am a masters student after all…. HA ya right.

Have a great Friday people! Live well!

Favorite FAST but HARD workout to do at home or in the gym?

SHOPPING!!– Love it or hate it?? What do you buy mostly??



  1. good luck on Monday! How exciting! I bet you will find that balance once you are thrown into it

    1. I hope so!! Thanks so much!!

  2. When I’m at the gym and pressed for time my go to workout is to do one set instead of my usual three sets and to increase the weight and do less reps. I use 10 or 12 different weight machines and can do a quick workout in less than 20 minutes….a normal workout for me generally takes just about an hour. I’m off to New York City later on this afternoon to see the Mets play the Detroit Tigers. Good luck on Monday with your grad program.

    1. Workout sounds like a great idea when you are pressed for time!!
      Oh fun!! I have never been to NYC but am going next weekend!
      Thanks for the luck…I will need it!

  3. I love doing my workouts back-back, different muscle groups of course. That a way I can get in and out. I love that feeling after taking a day or two off, makes the run/workout that much better 🙂 I love shopping, but often have a hard time finding things that fit the way I want them to fit. I like to get loose or athletic type tops to wear, that way they are interchangeable, especially now that I have a pilates class then math right afterward. But I really love loos fitting tank tops/t shirts. I love the comfy casual look 🙂

    1. OH cute ideas with the athletic tops! That sounds like my type of shirt! Comfy, causual, cute!!
      Nice workout plan 🙂 Get in and get out! Love it!

  4. Shopping: LOVE IT x304820394. Online, in store, wherever I love it.
    My favorite quick workouts are weights/cardio combined! So good and burning!

    1. PLEASEEE give me some of your shopping excitement!!
      Weight and cardio combo always a great killer!

  5. pickyrunner · · Reply

    I’m glad you did a naked run! I do them all the time and I love it so so so much. Except I haven’t run in like 5 days… whoops. I should probably get back out there. Oh well, life happens. Super excited for you to start grad school year two!

    1. haha life does happen!! especially for those of us with school and changes of location… bahhh!!!
      Thanks girl enjoy your senior year!

  6. Yay! I love the first day of school! Good luck! I’ve always wanted to figure out how to use the kettleballs at my gym! Oh and I pretty much love shopping. I buy shoes mainly. Some purses, but an obscene amount of shoes. What I DON’T love is going grocery shopping – ugh. Have a good weekend, lady!

    1. Kettlebells are the GREATEST INVENTION. I love them and use them as often as I can!!!
      haha shoes are great! I guess that is one thing I am always pumped to shop for!
      Have a great weekend!

  7. emskiruns · · Reply

    Good luck for Monday I’m sure it will be fab!

    Thanks for sharing that workout it looks fab and as I have a trusty kettlebell at home I will have to give it a go.

    1. I am jealous that you OWN a keetlebell!! That is on my list… I LOVE using them!!!
      Thanks for the luck 🙂 Have a great weekend!

      1. emskiruns · ·

        I got mine in the sale from a fab UK company called wolverston Fitness. Love it and it gets a lot of use in this house. x

  8. mjantos · · Reply

    i’m so envious of people that run without ipods. in my mind, it seems like a very freeing thing to do, but right before i step out the door, i ALWAYS succumb to the “you’d better bring your headphones or you’ll regret it” voice.

    1. I do too JUST IN CASE but I never turn it on! But on that run yesterday… I really did forget it so I had no other option! But I am like you!– i like to have my ipod shuffle clipped on with the headphones in just in case! I don’t turn it on usually… but sometimes on those tough runs, you just need the help of some songs!

  9. I want to learn to use a kettle bell but I’m always sure I’ll whap myself in the head with it! lol!

    HOORAY for year 2 of grad school!!

    1. haha No no girl!!! Kettlebells are the greatest workout tool! i am OBSESSED with all of their uses! Full body uses for sure! Just try it a few timeS!
      Yay for year 2!

  10. I’m not a fan of shopping- between the people and the spending money part- BLECK! I think I’ll pass!!! 🙂 Unless we’re grocery shopping- because I love to grocery shop!!

    1. I love to grocery shop as well!! Whenever I am stressed at school I always roam the grocery and feel so much better!! haha but ya, cloth shopping is a whole other story!

  11. Thanks so much for trying the workout Andrea!! And, good luck in 14 days when you toe the line for the Richmond Marathon!

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