10 Reasons to Love Thursday (Part 2)

So last week I listed 10 (really 11) reasons that I was thankful and grateful for Life on Thursday Morning!

And I would like to make this weekly.  Because really, you can never count your blessings too many times or find too much wonderfulness in your life. It is so easy to get caught up in the work, stress, hustle-n’-bustle, LIVES that we lead everyday. So lets sit for a moment and just realize that no matter how bad of a day/week/month we are having, there are always little miracles and love happening around us!

((And again, these are in no particular order… kind of…))

1. Today at 4:45 est. I will have completed my FIRST year of grad school!

2. My best friends, spread across the country, all just “gathered” together a gift for another friend who is going through a tough time. This moment of being together in “spirit” was such a great feeling. I miss these girls like crazy and they are truly daily reminders of what true, deep, and real relationships look like.

3. The sun is shinning. Enough said.

4. My birthday is in 10 days. While turning 23 is by no means exciting, I feel totally blessed by getting to share it with Mother’s Day!! Because really, my mom is the most awesome women in the world.

5. Last Sunday’s church message was all about the Power of Prayer and how to Pray. Having applied some of their suggestions this week, I have had amazing (even if short) “chats” with God that instantly make me relaxed and calm! How wonderful!

6. I leave for St. George, Utah for my Adventure Spa in 4 days!!

7. Every week, my eating has started to look more and more “normal”. Some not-so-great days in there, but overall improvement!

8. I get to run the Indianapolis Mini Marathon on Saturday! My plan? To enjoy every. single. second. No racing, time worries. Just Running.

9. I did not go workout this morning due to studying, and I am having no anxiety about it, and instead feel grateful to be at home, drinking coffee. I forgot how nice this is…

10. Family. I just can’t stress this enough. I honestly feel so blessed every day that I have the relationship I do with my sister, mom, and dad. They are my best friends, my support through the good and bad. Everyday I thank God for them.

And to stick with what I guess will be tradition….number 11…..

11. As many of you reminded me yesterday after my post regarding comparing myself to others, especially Collegiate Runners, I am just feeling blessed for the God-given ability to run and enjoy it. He has blessed me with this Joy, and whether I am fast or slow, He wants me to enjoy this gift of relaxation, stress-reliever, community-bonding, pure-bliss.

Thank you all for such sweet, great comments and advice that you provide me with everyday! You are helping me grow in more ways than you’ll ever know!

What are you thankful for today?

Big Thursday or Friday Plans?? Lets hear them!!


  1. pickyrunner · · Reply

    I’m so happy eating is becoming more normal for you! It only gets easier as the weeks go by! I like my leisurely mornings, so I feel you on the no-workout morning thing 🙂

    1. I plan on LOTS of leisurely mornings coming up 🙂

  2. We are both first year grad student survivors… let’s have a party! I am thankful for good friends and family, and I am also thankful that I have friends who I haven’t seen in forever and when we reunite, it’s great! I did a lot of walking yesterday and ate a lot of not so good food, but I wanted to sleep in. I’m debating going to the gym and cross-training… and taking tomorrow as a rest day instead. Decisions, decisions.

    1. I swear i spend such a large amount of time trying to decide what to do for a workout, when to workout, if I should workout…haha BIG decisions haha 🙂
      yay for grad school!!

  3. eringorun · · Reply

    Congrats on the first year of grad school done an good luck this weekend! Look forward to reading about your race 🙂

    1. Thank you!! I can’t believe how fast (and how hard!) the year was!!
      I will give you guys a great update this weekend! I am really looking forward to the race!

  4. What an awesome list! 🙂 Hurrah for your first year of grad school girl, go celebrate! I’m totally jealous of your spa vacation! Yay for birthdays!! 🙂
    BIG exciting stuff that you’re not feeling anxiety about a missed workout. Good freaking job! 🙂

    1. Thank you thank you THANK YOU!! haha I LOVE the excitement in your posts! You guys are great and hilarious and know how to make a girl feel loved!!
      I hope your day is going wonderfully and that you have a great night and a weekend ahead!! 🙂

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